Laguna Collective aims to contribute, from various angles, to the technical development of initiatives benefiting its respective target groups.

Working Groups
Within Laguna, various working groups exist to develop knowledge and tools for knowledge transfer, and to coordinate or carry out related activities. For a list of presently operational working groups, see below. Click on a group’s name for its description.
– Child, Youth, & Family. Coordination: Joriene van der Kolk
– Conflict-Related Sexual Violence. Coordination: Marian Tankink
– Capacity Building. Coordination: Afra van der Markt
– Mental Health & The Arts. Coordination: Hannah Strohmeier
– Training Program. Coordination: Rembrant Aarts
– Mobile Health Records. Coordination: Steven van de Vijver
Laguna collective is engaged in the further development of an empowerment method (METS) aimed to support refugees. The original METS method was designed during a European collaborative project, in which some members of the collective also participated at the time. We will develop this method further by attuning it to various specific target groups and contexts. For application in open groups we thus developed METS-OG, which can also act as a basis for individual aid provision. A relevant Manual is available. Our trainings are supported by videos. Also read ‘Exchange of knowledge‘.
Common Ground Works
In Amsterdam we collaborated with the organization IMBY to develop a method (Common Ground Works) promoting mutual understanding and a sense of ‘belonging’ among refugees with a recent residence permit and other inhabitants of the city. Common Ground Works was systematically evaluated. It’s application is supported by a Handbook for facilitators and a Workbook for participants.