Exchange of Knowledge

On request, Laguna provides training in screening for and identifying psychiatric and psychosocial problems, psychiatric treatment, and various psychosocial intervention methods – all with respect to involuntary migrants or global mental health. These interactive trainings may have an online character, including practical exercise. We also provide lectures and presentations at various organisations and institutes for academic or higher vocational education. For details on provided trainings, workshops, and lectures, visit the News page of this website.
Laguna designs training videos on psychosocial topics relevant for frontline humanitarian aid providers. These videos are mainly aimed at psychosocial and medical staff, but may be similarly helpful for other humanitarian workers. To watch an existing video, click on the titel in question:
Cultural Awareness
Indiviual Mental Health Crises
Discussing Gender-Based Violence
Through an established collaboration with Doctors of the World Netherlands (DvdW) and Boat Refugee Foundation (BRF), we train and supervise volunteers at both organisations for the benefit of quality psychosocial support to undocumented asylum seekers in The Netherlands and refugees elsewhere in Europe. These activities feature within the formation, deployment, and mentoring of a shared community of volunteers at DvdW and BRF, which as a process is supported by Fred Foundation.
Laguna has started to develop a 12 to 18 months-training program for humanitarian psychosocial aid workers, combining a curriculum of theoretical and skills training provided by Laguna experts with six months of practical field work through deployment by a collaborating partner NGO. The program is meant for professionals who aspire to engage in humanitarian psychosocial work but lack relevant skills and field experience.
We also aim to support the scientific development and training skills of members who feel committed to our target groups and who are in the starting phase of their carreers (click ‘Young Professionals’). Experienced members of Laguna Collective act as supervisors for younger members’ Master or PhD theses, e.g., Rachel Brenner’s Master thesis and the PhD studies of Hannah Strohmeier and Jetske van Heemstra, or support other scientific work like the study of Willemine vand Wiel. Also, young professionals participate in Laguna trainings as co-trainers to gain experience.